Clan JACK Society "criochnaich clod a thoisich thu"

The 1746 battle of Culloden:
On the Muster Roll of Prince Charles Edward Stuart's army of 1745-46 published as "No Quarter Given" by Livingstone, Aikman & Hart, only three JACK names appear, although many names are still unknown. Those of Andrew, William and Thomas JACK.

* William Jack's Regiment was the Strathallan's Horse or the Perthshire Squadron. William was a merchant from Elgin and his famous letter. written in 1747 tells of the hardship and length of time it took being transported to Tilbury Fort then onto Barbados.

* James Jack was part of Forfarshire (Ogilvy's) Regiment and reported as Lurking. He managed to escape and made his way back to Alyth and is interned with wife and children in the Old Parish Church of St. Moluag, Alyth. The reference for James was taken from the 'Frasers Papers'

* Andrew Jack, was part of the Earl of Cromartie's Regiment. Andrew, listed as aged 30, from Caithness and following the battle was Transported. Reference being 'Prisoners of the 45'

Two JACQUE's both part of the Earl of Cromartie's Regiment.

Andrew Jacque aged 30, Husbandman, Elgin from Ross and Donald Jacque aged 58 a beggar or ale seller. Both were transported.

Images of Culloden taken 2010