Clan JACK Society "criochnaich clod a thoisich thu"

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For the Jack One-Name Study, Qualified Genealogist, David Jack is interested in any Genealogies containing Jack ancestors which descend from Scotland. These will be used to assist yDNA studies from those joining the Jack surname project at FTDNA.
Main areas of Scottish settlement being studied are:

  • Avoch - this area is interesting and I feel being Fishermen, many Jack's from here travelled by sea around the North Eastern coast with family's settling in Elgin, Cullen, and Portsoy, my ancestors home.
  • Fife - I have traced a Fife Jack family back to a David Jack, born 1759 Balmerino, Fife. Many of the descendants are still in Fife or the surrounding areas today.
  • Dunkeld - a Thomas Jack is buried in the centre of the Dunkeld Cathedral, a very interesting position.
  • Alyth - Jacobite Thomas Jack's son Thomas is buried here. See over.
  • Elgin - James Jack (Fletcher) was born here. Owner of Rosehaugh Estate, Avoch. Another Jacobite, William Jack was born here. After Culloden, William was transported to Tilbury Fort then onto Barbados. Here is a copy of a letter he wrote:-
"Gentlemen, This comes to acquaint you, that I was eight months and eight days at sea, of which time, I was eight weeks upon half a pound and twelve ounces oat-meal, and a bottle of water in the twenty-four hours, which was obliged to make meal and water in the bottom of an old bottle. There was one hundred and twenty-five put on board at Inverness, on the James and Mary of Fife. In the latter end of June, we was put on board of a transport of four hundred and fifty ton, called the Liberty and Property, in which we continued the rest of the eight months, upon twelve ounces of oat sheelin as it came from the mill.

There was thirty-two prisoners more put on board of the said Liberty and Property, which makes one hundred and fifty-seven : and when we came ashore, there was only in life forty-nine, which would been no great surprise if there had not been one, conform to our usage. They would taken us from the hold in a rope, and hoisted us up to the yard-arm, and let us fall in the sea in order for ducking of us ; and tying us to the mast and whipping us if we did any thing, however innocent, that offended them : this was done to us when we was not able to stand.

I will leave it to the readers to judge, what condition they might be in themselves with the above treatment. We had neither bed nor bed-clothes, nor clothes to keep us warm in the day time. The ship's ballast was black earth and small stones, which we was obliged to dig holes to lie in to keep us warm, till the first of November last, that every man got about three yards of gross ham filled up with straw, but no bed-clothes. I will not trouble you no more till I see you.

There is none in life that went from Elgin with me, but William Innes in Fochabers ; James Brander, in Condloch, died seven months ago ; Alexander Frigge died in Cromarty Road ; John Kintrea, that lived in Longbride, died also. Mr James Falconar is well, and remains on board of a ship, called the James and Mary, lying off Tilbury Fort. I am, gentlemen, your most humble servant,

(Signed) Will. Jack."

"Tilbury Fort, March 17th, 1747."

Source: JACOBITE MEMOIRS of the Rebellion of 1745 by Right Rev. Robert Forbes

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